Wednesday 1 October 2008

what is the point

I was stopped in the street today. it happens quite a lot- I have the dog collar on, so perhaps that explains it.
after a couple of pleasantries the real question came out, why does God allow us to destroy his world. If he really loved the world he would stop it? And if he really loved us he would stop us.
frankly my answer was ' i don't know'. I know the party line of saying free will and all that, but if we are honest it ends up as 'don't know'.
That is not a 'cop out' and it isn't a failure to answer. It is true, I do not know- I can guess at God's mind but that is the truth of it.
So can we see God in the 'broken world' ? My answer is yes, and that was my final answer. I can see God in the bricks and rubbish as well as the tree and flower. why?
well because the God I have faith in is everywhere and I think she kinda expects me to be there too.
Perfect world it isn't, but it is one loved by God


The Gypsy said...

Wow. OK So I'm over the shock. I didn't even have you down as God Squad actually.

Is it like being gay, is there a certain cache to being able to pass as a non-believer? I seem to recall it was so in my days in the church which probably says more about my teenage need to be cool than churches.

I should say that passing as straight is by no means a universal tag of honour amongst the gay community. Many would shudder at the thought.

Anyway, you know that, you're cool god squad rather than a tambourine carrier I'm assuning? There I go again, must be cool, even when I adore tambourines. Take the cheap shot.

Love the blog, not much of one for uniforms myself, but if I had to pick one I'd go for the collar too. xxxx

Jeremy said...

i am not sure I would describe myself as 'God's squad' but i know what you mean. I have always had a faith and have tried to work it out. when i was full time political, it got me into problems ( well until TB came along and then everyone was a christian (sic))
then TB said he bombed iraq on advice from the big guy and it went a bit difficult again.
it has taken 5 yearsfrom wanting to do this full time to get the collar on. the family and friends have been quite encouraging.
So iam more likely to be in a pub than a prayer meeting and more likely to be quiet than have a tamborine
thanks for the comments