Wednesday 16 July 2008

what do you do exactly?

What is a day like vicaring then? Mates ask fairly regularly since the great day.
Well yesterday was being a 'pusher' on the pensioner trip to Hastings. Great day, good fun quite a long day, but loved it.
It was striking the number of chats that centred on being on your own, lonely or on feeling the body was giving up before the brain.
I was privileged to be part of so many lives.
Today was worship then a team meeting. Then visiting the local undertakers. Then the local school on strike but teachers using the time to sort out their class rooms.
Sorted next terms assemblies as well so all good.
Then off to a lunch with parishioners and chats about faith, music and the church roof.
Then off to see an exhibition by a parishioner in central London
She was on a course ' women into jewelery'. A course funded by the LDA, it seemed to have helped Hazel, but probably will stop under the new Mayor as he doesn't like these sort of courses.
It was very very high quality, well done Hazel!
Then a wander around and bumping into a catholic mission, it was moved in 1861 to make way for a railway station and is named after a vision of Mary around the same time
Mary wept because no one had time for God and had lost direction ( how true today).
So that is what it is like, also so praying etc. But its varied and based on people cause God loves em.

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